Johnye - $650 | Michael - $400 Michelle - $700 Susan - $751 w/Supply of Zik's Pain Reliever Mark - $1,000 | Johnye - $698 Michael - $699 Michelle - $1,050 Kelly - $1,500 | Mark - $1,501 Johnye - $850 Michael - $1 Hunter - $650 | Michael - $500 Kelly - $501 Mark - $651 w/Supply of Buckley's Cough Syrup Kathleen - $675 | Hunter - $2,000 Michael - $2,050 Kelly - $676 Backboard Raina - $725 | Kathleen - $1,700 Hunter - $340 Michael - $341 |
PG# | Dinette ($1,763) (Had to switch) ($7,298) Aquafresh Toothbrush ($3.29) 6-pack of Dannon Water ($2.29) Red Hot Sauce Dawn Dish Soap ($1.39) (Bought: 6 Water = $13.74 3 Dawn: $4.17 = $17.91 1 Toothbrush: $3.29 = $21.20) ($17,165) (First try: $17,165) (First try: Five right) Sideboard ($850) Sofa ($899) Crystal Decanter ($844) (Hand: 9 9 9 4 4 - Full house) (House: 9 9 8 8 5 - Two pair) (Passed first hand) Vaccum ($70) (L) Toaster/Oven ($25) (W) Tea Kettle ($35) (W) 1 - $0 2 - $10,000 3 - $1,000 Total: $11,000 ($14,757) (Got first two numbers in one try) |
SS# | Michelle - $0.05 + $0.25 = $0.30 | Susan - $0.40 - STAYS | Johnye - $0.05 + $0.90 = $0.95 | .
| Raina - $0.30 + (Boo)** + $0.50 = $0.85 | Mark - $0.55 + $0.45 = $1.00 (Bonus: $0.05) | Kelly - $0.60 + $0.35 = $0.95 | |
Showcase # | Bedroom Bedding Trip to Germany *MARK WINS* Surround Sound System Ford Mustang Covertable |